Wednesday, November 18, 2009

To what may come

Here I am...

I have kingdoms and lifetimes beneath my skin

a broken wave, a thunderclap.

Scandalous. Victorious.

The gathering storm may do its worst, I will not fall.

Inside a weathered heart I have it all.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Blazin the trail.. so to speak

Here's another issue that I'm gonna spout off about that might bring me some static, but do I give a shit?.... nope.

My lovely little town of Breckenridge, sitting peacefully at the foot of the most beautiful snow covered mountains you'll ever see, is leading the way. Though some would say Breck is full of young people who are content to work in local shops and restaurants to make rent in order to to live here and dedicate their lives to what is most important.. snowboarding :) We have put our collective heads together and made a huge statement for the rest of the nation to take note of. This past Tuesday proposal 2F won with 73% of the vote to LEGALIZE the possession of marijuana!!

Making Breck the first city in Colorado to do so, this is huge folks. I'm so proud because Breck is the perfect example of the benefits of debunking this nations fucked up drug laws where weed is concerned. we have a zero crime rate and live in near perfect harmony. Stoners are not criminals and should never have been treated thus. Have you ever seen or met a stoner who wouldn't choose a bag of Doritos and a cheech and chong flick over going out and starting fights or vandalizing shit? If anything there should be stricter laws regarding ALCOHOL. It's seriously ridiculous dude. The Government wastes millions of dollars trying to bust people for growing marijuana, a plant with natural and medicinal benefits when they should be focusing on real threats to society

Can I just say...

I'm so tired of people being afraid to disapprove of something in the name of tolerance, it is our god given right to make those discernment's for ourselves. Political correctness and 'tolerance' will be our downfall. Tolerance should not mean a blanket of approval over a certain culture or religion's actions just because something is a 'religion' doesn't mean it deserves respect, some religions ARE complete bullshit. Namely radical Islam, if you don't believe me search it out yourself and if you don't find that it is based on war, hatred and murdering Americans in the name of 'Allah' you are blind. It is our right and responsibility to search these things out. It is scary that these hate filled terrorists are living among us, working good jobs and enjoying all the freedoms of America all the while plotting and carrying out mass murders of American 'swine' while the rest are closing their curtains to celebrate the 'victory'. Please understand I am not trying to demonize ALL followers of Islam, I'm sure there are peace loving Islamists who would condemn these actions but, forgive me if I remain skeptical as this is a very rare occurrence and on occasion has proven to be lip service.

After today's events at Ft.Hood I would not blame the military for being extra cautious about allowing Islamits into the service.My heart breaks for all the mothers and fathers, wives and children that lost their loved ones in this brutal attack.
Wake up America the terrorists aren't overseas.. they are next door.