The mind is such a powerful force of creation, it can build elaborate worlds of fantasy completely ignorant of reality... that is why taking every thought captive and making them obedient to Christ is so very important, especially for women. Prudence must conquer our impulsiveness if our aim is contentment and complete trust in God. This is not an easy lesson for me as it turns out, I must continually practice this until it becomes habit. Fortunately God does not leave me to my own devices, I have asked Him to train me, no matter how I fight or how uncomfortable and embarrassing it may be I want Him to always win. He is always faithful and I must be faithful in trusting His heart, His heart for me is good " Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12. He does not delight in our heart sickness but desires our longings to be fulfilled and that we become a tree of life, probably much more then we ourselves realize, But our hearts must flutter inside of His design for us and His designs are absolutely beautiful.
Elisabeth Elliot, very eloquently puts it like this;
There is no ongoing spiritual growth without the process of letting go. At the precise point where we refuse, growth stops. If we want to find our true selves, if we want real life our hearts are set on glory.
Think of the self that God has given as an acorn it is a marvelous little thing, a perfect shape, perfectly designed for it's purpose, perfectly functional. Think of the grand glory of an oak tree. God's intention when He made the acorn was the oak tree. His intention for us is "... the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ." Many deaths must go into our reaching that measure, many letting goes. When you look at the oak tree you don't feel that the "loss" of the acorn is a very great loss. The more you perceive God's purpose in your life, the less terrible will the losses seem. The lesson of the seed has not been fully learned. There must be relinquishment there is no way around it. The seed does not "know" what will happen. It only knows what is happening - the falling, the darkness, the dying. We are being asked to Trust, to leave the planning to God. God's ultimate plans are far beyond our imaginings as the oak tree is far beyond the acorns imaginings. The acorn does what it was made to do without pestering its Maker with questions about when and how and why. We who have been given an intelligence and will and a whole range of wants that can be set against the divine pattern for good are asked to believe Him. We are given the chance to trust Him when He says to us, "... If any man will let himself be lost for my sake he will find his true self."
when will we find it? we ask. The answer is, Trust me.
How will we find it? The answer again is, Trust me.
Why must I let myself be lost? We persist. The answer is,
Look at the acorn and trust me.
About Me
Saturday, July 31, 2010
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