Sunday, March 28, 2010

Randomness and Epiphanies

Here I am running into the same old issue I have always had... My mama calls it a fiercely independent spirit, I prefer that term over 'a rebellious spirit' but I fear the two can lend themselves to each other fairly often. I am not the kind of girl who compartmentalizes myself, I've learned to handle my emotions but my heart is a wild thing that will not be put into a box or sectioned off, it won't be censored or edited. This has been both a blessing and a curse in my life.
Censorship is overrated... as is fear of offense... Be yourself. Always. I'd rather be rough around the edges and a little bit scandalous then a white washed tomb. FREEDOM! that's what its ALL about. I can't help but ponder how Jesus angered the religious people of His day and didn't fear who He offended and was Himself a Scandalous man. We should all be more like that. I want to be real above all else and guard my heart from emotionalism and religiosity, they can creep in oh so subtly. I don't want to fit neatly into any ones little box and become a tamed and edited version of myself... but I do want to check my motivation often and try and do everything out of Love, I am, after all a work in progress...

God is so much bigger then the boxes we put Him in... what should you do to make His heart happy? Ask yourself what it is that makes you come alive and go do that! Most Christians walk around feeling like a disappointment to God but how would it change you if you REALLY knew that YOU are the object of His desire. Your heart is free, your heart is good, not criminal. He gives you desires he gives you passions and wants you to take joy in them, use your talents don't waste them, dream big, trust Him always and be confident in His deep and faithful love. Somewhere along the line many of us were taught that our hearts are desperately wicked but how can that be true if the bible says that If we delight ourselves in the Lord He shall give us the desires of our HEARTS? God tells us to guard our hearts with all diligence because it is the wellspring of LIFE not wickedness.

There is an epic love story going on all around us and our hearts know this deep down inside. It is the theme of almost every movie, book, fairytale and story we love. We are a part of it, it draws us toward home. We were meant for something amazing, something more then an aimless existence, something absolutely breathtaking and extremely important. We are warriors and rescuers, We are pursued and fought for, We must fight for the vision and listen for it. Do not let your hearts be imprisoned by this life, it is but a vapor, there is more. We will be rescued. Eternity whispers... listen.

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