Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I prefer Passion

I prefer passion.

I am an opinionated person, as you may have noticed, and I am not afraid to voice it. If you're reading my blog post right now you've found the one place where I unapologetically post my views and opinions about things. I'm aware that I am not always right and when given new and better information about different subject matter I'm not afraid to change my position. But from knowledge and research gathered I cannot help but search for truth, broadcast and be passionate about it. I want my eyes as open to whats going on in the world around me as they can be.

When I had gotten carried away about something after a few glasses of wine and then apologized to a friend in my company she then said. "I prefer passion" and that people who are passionate about things are the kind of friends she likes to have, even if you don't necessarily agree with their view point you have to respect a persons passion for things because they tend to be more interesting and entertaining people. I deeply appreciated her sentiment because I often feel chastised and estranged for being the way I am and knowing there are people who understand and accept me is wonderful.

A lot of people live lives of quiet desperation or desperate quietness, not really wanting to know about the world and not caring about anything outside their own little world and this is the status quo. If you are passionate about anything not politically correct or controversial they treat you like a freak and are annoyed at your attempts to engage them in any kind of meaningful discussion.

It is refreshing to meet others who are thinkers, analyzers and enjoy spirited debates because they understand that its really not about who is right or wrong, but about trying to understand the world, trying to fix whats broken and trying to find solutions together. I guess that is all I really want to do.

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